Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happy as a pig in mud

So I realized that I haven't posted in a while.  Our landscaping is done, and looks pretty good. The sod out front looks fantastic!  The back isn't as nice, due to weeds and patchy growth, but I'm still much happier with it than it was. Flat and fairly smooth now, except for the holes Chip has dug....grrrr.

I finally finished my super-duper compost bin today. That took me much longer than I thought, but it turned out very nice.  It's too dark for pictures right now. I'll have to get some good pics of the yard and my new walkway, too.

I've been very busy with projects and getting stuff done around the house.  It feels fantastic to be gardening and working in the shop again.  I feel pretty great.

Progress is being made, but it's slow

Note: I had originally started this post on May 17, but then never finished it and it's been sitting in my drafts, so I'll post as is.

Snack is all better, back to begging treats at the netting.  I still need to get another tray in order to expand his new litter area. Since he has lost all his litter box habits, I can't leave him to roam around on the entire floor of the aviary like I had planned. He kept sitting on his pee pads and had bad urine burns on his hocks.  So I got a giant plastic tray and filled it with litter.  After his bath last weekend, I saw that his skin was looking so much better and he didn't have poop caked to his butt. So better health in exchange for slightly smaller space.  It's worth the trade off.  And I'll make him some shelves so  he has vertical space if he wants it.  He has his cardboard castle, but doesn't use it like he used to.

The major landscaping project is turning into a major pain in the butt. I thought it was a big enough project to warrant a big crew.  Nope.  I got two guys.  Not even that, today. Today was some poor kid I'd never seen before working with nothing but a shovel.  Dude must have pissed someone off. So not much progress today.  It's been hot and dry (too hot!) and our dirt is so sandy and fine that the entire house, inside and out, is covered with a layer of fine dirt.  It's awful.   And of course my moron dog doesn't understand why he can't go play in the yard, and has been ringing his bell to go out EVERY. FUCKING. FIVE. MINUTES.

Monday, May 6, 2019

What a shit show lately.

So things have been a bit stressful the last week or so.
1. The last eternal period left me extremely anemic. My hemoglobin is about 8 and hematocrit is around 26%.  I'm exhausted, short of breath, dizzy and feel like shit. I've been taking as much iron as I can stand, but it upsets my stomach and gives me the shits.  Went to the doctor last Thursday, and now I have to set up IV iron infusions.  Ugh.
2. Went to Westport with crazy auntie on the 27th & 28th, and now we are buying a house together.  She needs my credit rating and income for a loan.  It's a super cute, but super tiny house. Very perfect for her. So I get the stress of buying a house without the fun part.  The inspection was very good, though.
3. We found Snack the rabbit with his paw all tangled up in a pee pad on Sunday morning. Had likely been like that for several hours. He was stressed out and is favoring a back leg, but seems to be feeling better this morning. 
4. If Chip doesn't stop chewing every goddamn thing he sees, I'm going to rip all his teeth out.  And training hasn't been going very well, both because I don't feel good right now, and because he seems to have hit his teenage rebellion stage.  I hate adolescent animals.
5. We have been hearing running water in the wall for a couple weeks, but haven't been able to do anything about it until this weekend.  Went under the house and there's a nice pool and leak coming through the insulation.  Moved the toilet and opened up the wall last night, but the leak is actually under the house.  I can't get to it because of the heating pipes.  Called a plumber a few minutes ago, so hopefully that will get fixed today.  It's not actually causing any damage due to it's location, so at least we don't have to worry about fixing water damage. Just need to let the crawlspace dry out.  Hope they send a super skinny guy, it's tight under there.
6. The massive landscaping project is supposed to start today. I'm off today and tomorrow to deal with it, because Big D had to go for a work trip all this week, which I wish I would have known BEFORE I scheduled this.  He never tells me these kinds of things until last minute.  If it takes longer than two days, they'll just have to bring me any problems before I leave for work.

Bonus round: I didn't hardly sleep at all last night.  Coffee is brewing right now, but I don't think it will be able to carry the day.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

It's over

It ended up being 33 days of heavy bleeding.  Not my all time record, but the longest period I've had since 2008.  I figured I am anemic due to that, and just did some bloodwork today (bonus of being a med tech!).  My hemoglobin, hematocrit and iron are very bad. I have already been taking double my usual dose of iron, but it was not enough to keep up.  My body just can't make blood cells that fast.  My friend at work is going to bring me some of the iron supplement she uses; says it's much better than the normal vitamin pills. Can't remember what she called it.

Hemoglobin of 8.6 does explain why I have been so wiped out and exhausted for the last week.  I haven't been playing with Chip as much as I should be, because I can barely get out of bed, then go lay down on the couch until it's time to go to work.  I'm pale and limp, ha!

We finally got all three landscaping quotes in, and the work is supposed to start on May 6.  It's a giant, expensive project, but needs to be done, badly. Chip has found some kind of buried motherlode of trash and keeps bringing disgusting things to chew on.  I'm afraid he's going to get sick!

I work again this weekend, second time this month.  I have my boot at work still in case I need it.  My foot seems to have hit a plateau in terms of getting better.  It's not bad, really.  Much better than before the surgery. I just need to remember my stretches and exercises.

Next weekend should be interesting. Crazy auntie has a contract on her house now, and is coming to look at places to buy in Westport/Grayland/Ocean Shores area.  Chip and I are going to go stay the weekend with her in Westport.  I think Chip should be well enough behaved for a hotel visit.  But now crazy auntie is saying that it's more likely that she'll be buying a trailer and staying with us for a while.  I'm ok with that, but we'll need to get an RV hook up set up.  Big D and I have talked about it before, but just in general terms. Now that it's not only likely, but soon, we need to sit down and hash some details out.  But I don't see my husband hardly at all.  It's really starting to get to me.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

25 days

The bleeding has slowed down some,  but Just. Won't. Stop.
I feel like a faded photograph.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Spoke too soon

Most of last week was surprisingly low pain from work, but that all went out the window on Saturday.  From 4 to 7:30 on Saturday, I was alone in the lab, and our biggest drop of the day comes just as the other person is leaving, so it's super busy and non-stop. I was in so much pain by the time I went home, and my foot was very swollen and tender.  It was still swollen on Sunday, and I wasn't able to do much.  Went in for my PT appointment on Monday, and the therapist actually wanted me to call in to work, because it was still so swollen and painful.  I ended up putting my boot on an hour after I got to work, and after that it was fine.  So I'm in my boot again today, which is awkward and clumsy, but not painful, so it's what I have to deal with right now. It hurts, but hopefully with ice and as much rest as I can manage, it will be back to where it was.

We've had some landscapers come and give us estimates on redoing our lawn, as well as several related projects.  It's going to be very expensive.  Might have to break it up and do part of it next year. I don't actually know how much Big D has saved up for this project, but the lawn part of it really needs to be done. It's much too bad for us to do by hand; it needs serious equipment.

I'm on day 19 of this horrible, messy, disgusting, clotty period.  The last day has finally lightened up on the flow, so hopefully I'm almost done.  But by then it will be time for my next cycle to start?  Not sure how badly my hormones are messed up. Don't even know what has caused the problem in the first place.

In better news, my mental state has improved by leaps and bounds since the beginning of January.  Lexapro and Chip have made a massive difference.  It's spring, and I'm actually getting interested in planting and gardening again, and thinking about getting back into the shop. I think Chip will make a good shop dog!  He's not scared of loud noises much, and is easily soothed into trusting my judgement on things.

He's such a good puppy. We've been doing some heavy-duty training the last couple days and he's doing really well.  The only serious behavior problem we are still having is chasing the cats, trying to get them to play.  We're going to try and get that sorted out very quickly. 

I should probably get back to work now, stuff is needing attention.

I wonder if Big D has found this journal yet?  If so, Hi, cutie!  I love you tremendously, and wish we could spend more time together.